Almond Joy Ice Cream/Monster Scoop
Almond Joy candy bars were among the few chocolate bars in my life that were an acquired taste. Those and Mounds — this was likely the culprit of the coconut interior. After all, coconut is a surprisingly-polarizing food; my wife is generally not a fan, while I therefore get extra slices of German Chocolate Cake.
Having gained such an appreciation for Almond Joys — shout out to my co-worker who drops off fun-size Mounds and Almond Joys in the candy bowl at the front desk which you, reader of this post, can sample if you have reason to swing by our radio stations — I was pleased to see something I had never seen in my life: Almond Joy Ice Cream, found at Monster Scoop in Eau Claire.

This was my first visit, having wanted to stop by for months. On the white board inside was a list of limited-time homemade concoctions, one of which being the Almond Joy ice cream. As you can see in the above photo, it was the two-scoop variety in a waffle cone; as I should have gathered by the name of the business, these were two *monster* scoops.
I love the idea of a Chippewa Valley restaurant developing a new ice cream flavor, and a somewhat unconventional choice like an Almond Joy candy bar got my attention. It was a whole lot of coconut and dark chocolate and almond and it was bliss to consume for a good 15 minutes or so.
And, like I typed above, it was limited edition, so you may have to wait to try your own version. In the meanwhile, go to Monster Scoop in Eau Claire or Chippewa Falls and see what new limited-edition flavors they now have. You will get a lot, and you’ll like it a lot.