Sugar Cookie Sundae/44 Below Ice Cream Shop
I have preferences with regards to cookies. If there’s lots of chocolate, I’m in. Massive chocolate chunks, awesome. Chocolate in-general, good. Both…oh boy. Peanut butter is also solid, as are other variations. The sugar cookie resides near the bottom of my list — not out of tasting bad, but not with the flavor bomb I prefer. So, when my wife and I were recently at 44 North and I asked her to pick an ice cream sundae flavor, her choice of sugar cookie — she’s more of a sugar cookie type — left me thinking, “Well, OK, I guess.” I guess she made a good call.

While we dined upstairs at 44 North, the dessert menu includes the ice cream options from the 44 Below Ice Cream Shop downstairs. And are there options. My eyes darted towards the sundaes, hence the one we had.
The pecans and hot fudge provide a good contrast to the vanilla ice cream, all providing further contrast to the sugar cookie, which was soft and — as I just noted — texturally went well with the other aspects of the sundae. Also nice was how the hot fudge has solidified just-enough that it didn’t melt the ice cream, but rather became the tasty glue holding together the confection.
As you can see in the link to the ice cream menu, you can go in many directions at 44 Below…or after dinner at 44 North. Get out of your flavor preference, and enjoy all they’ve got — though, I can about guarantee my next visit will involve the Reese’s Cookie Dough Bowl.