Oatmeal Cream Pie W/ Maple Cream Filling/Little Wissota Bakehouse
Every so often, you find a dessert in an unexpected spot. For example, in Festival Foods the other day, I’m entering the store on my way to the produce, then slam the breaks realizing the first thing I needed was in organic. There, on an endcap (a stand at the end of an aisle or, in this case, a wall), sat a dessert. An oatmeal cream pie. OK, this looks good…

Lake Wissota Bakehouse’s baked goods pop up at a lot of stores in the Eau Claire area. Those wooden shelves you may well have seen are often stocked with bread — a baked good, of course — but also with the occasional sweetness. The one I saw was an oatmeal cream pie with maple cream filling. In effect, it looked like a massive ice cream cookie sandwich.

For being on a shelf, it tastes incredibly fresh (see their website for how they create their goods to maintain said freshness) — multiple wrapping sure helps, as well. The oatmeal cookie was a perfect texture of softness — no fork/knife required, yet no worries about it falling apart. The real signature here is that maple cream filling: again, soft without being gooey, or hard, or anything potentially undesirable. The cream pie held together, with a good amount of richness and noticeable maple flavor (but not in an overwhelming manner).
The best part? Natural ingredients. Little Wissota Bakehouse notes it on their site, and you can see for yourself in the ingredient list on whatever package you pick up. That makes the preparation all the more impressive.
If you wanna know where to go to get what I had and more, click HERE or HERE (Facebook for the latter) and see where you can get some natural baked goodness in your stomach.