Kitchen Sink Bar/Mayana Chocolate
When you go to the Mayana Chocolate website, the phrase that appears in the middle of the page is “The best chocolate you’ve never heard of.” Fair point: I had never heard of Mayana Chocolate until I stopped my The Local Store to see what local dessert I could find. Discovering that they were from Spooner, I picked up a couple candy bars, and tried one after lunch on a recent summer day. Behold: the Kitchen Sink Bar:

I mean, any dessert that says “kitchen sink” is getting my immediate attention, as I presume that copious accents of sweetness will comprise the item. This bar had that: milk chocolate, peanut butter, pretzel crisps, fleur de sel caramel (caramel with garnishing salt), and their signature dark chocolate (66% cacao). As you can see in the above photo, it is essentially two layers placed together. The caramel was that rich, softly-chewy type I prefer; the peanut butter and crisps of pretzel provided a good savory contrast. And dark chocolate? Quality, of course.

The background on the Herskovics — the couple that runs Mayana Chocolate — shows how they come from a high-level background in cuisine, design, and customization. You can tell by eating their chocolate that they have earned the awards they have received.
Either go to The Local Store, drive to Spooner, or peruse the aforementioned website, and permanently familiarize yourself with Mayana Chocolate. And fill your kitchen sink with their candy bars, while you’re at it.