Milk Chocolate Dried Blueberries/Jacobson’s Market
Ever seen dried blueberries in a grocery store? Intriguing, but usually on the pricey side, so I tend to skip them.
I was in Jacobson’s Market in the Putnam Heights area of Eau Claire recently when I saw their selection of chocolate-covered goodies. Nuts galore, of course, but what stood out to me: milk chocolate dried blueberries, and at a reasonable price. I was in.

It’s just what you would expect: a dried blueberry surrounded by a decently-thick milk chocolate coating, and to make a nice touch, a blue-colored coating, as you can see in the above photo. The marriage of tart and milk chocolate goes well together, and you find yourself wanting to go through the bag at once — better to save more for later snacking. Pair them with nuts, and you’re doing yourself a solid.

One of the most-extensive selections of such chocolate-covered deliciousness can be found at Jacobson’s, so you will likely find something great for the aforementioned sweet snacking you might choose for indulgence. Pick up a bag or several after perusing their meats and other items throughout the Chippewa Falls and Eau Claire stores, and munch away once you get home.