Cheesecake Cones/Festival Foods
I was recently walking through Festival Foods, and passing the bakery, I gazed at the sweets, as I do pretty much every time. There was one thing that looked a little different among the usual items — a golden brown object, longer than wider. Instead of going on to the checkout, I stopped, turned back around, and decided to look again, up close. It was a…cheese cake cone?

This, I had never heard of. Cheesecake, yes, of course. A cone of cheesecake? Whoa.
It’s definitely a thing, but had never seen it around western Wisconsin until it appeared in that Festival bakery. The cone itself is a thin almond waffle/cookie — the taste reminds me of my homemade krumkake, only this includes the likes of brown sugar. Once it’s wrapped into a cone (again, krumkake-style), it is filled with creamy, classic cheesecake:

With that, you have a cheese cake cone, and you can eat it with your hands (hold it and bite into it — portable cheesecake!), or use a fork. The tartness and sweetness balance each other nicely, and it’s rich and delicious.
Hopefully you can find some at Festival Foods as they keep whipping up all sorts of delicious delicacies. Your concept of cheesecake will be forever altered — and mobilized!