Bullies are the worst. I remember being terrorized by this girl in middle school. Luckily for me, at that age I had a ridiculous amount of unwarranted confidence that got me through. It can be tough to watch your child come home upset because of bully. So what do you do?
Build Self Esteem
The better your kids feel about themselves, the less likely bullying will affect them. Remind them of all the great things you adore about them. Encourage them to start new hobbies. Confidence building starts at home by spending one on one time with your kids and creating a safe space to be themselves.

Keep Open Communication
Most kids who are being bullied don't tell their parents. Keeping open communication and a safe place to talk about their feelings can make them more likely to share what is going on. Help them create a list of responses that are direct but not antagonistic. When I was a kid I used humor to defuse bullying. Tell them to just laugh and walk away. This also includes keeping open communication with the school so they can properly monitor the situation.
Encourage Them to Stand Up for Others
Teach your kids to take action when they witness a friend or another student being bullied. Share how one person can make a difference. Kids speaking up is more powerful that anything we will do as adults.

Is Your Kid a Bully?
Kids are a**holes. Yes. I said it. They are figuring out who they are and call fall into bad crowds. Teaching them confidence at home and how to stand up for others is crucial in making sure your child is a kind kid. Being a parent blind to your child's behavior can be detrimental for their development. Correct the behavior. Kids aren't perfect and need direction. Show them positive behaviors by example. It starts with you.
<3 Bri