Salty Dog Cookie/Bridge Street Brew
Ah, the sweet-vs.-savory debate. OK, this really is not a true debate, rather more a matter of preference and combination. At the proper rate of inclusion, sweet and savory ingredients can make for a delectable dessert. Chocolate, pretzels, toffee…you have all of them there. Give it a name like “Salty Dog,” and it stands out better than “chocolate, pretzel & toffee cookie.” Salty Dog is the name of the cookie with the aforementioned ingredients that I picked up while at Bridge Street Brew in Chippewa Falls.

I’d been there once before, when my daughter was still really young and my wife & I took her on weekend drives to soothe her (as a lot of new parents do). Once day with some massive downpours, we stopped at Bridge Street Brew to get coffee (which they sell by the bag, FYI), and I ran in and out to get our haul. For some reason, getting dessert skipped my mind, so on a decidedly drier day, the three of us went back and, this time, all went inside without fear of being drenched.
The Salty Dog cookie stood out to me in their display of baked goods. As you see int he above photo, this is a pretty large cookie with what almost looks like a mini-cookie on top, framed by a pretzel. That’s a neat concept — and allows for a thicker middle to the cookie. Bits of sea salt were sprinkled across the top; the combo of chocolate chips, the salt, the crunch of the pretzel, and the other crunch of the toffee made for an expectedly satisfying cookie. This was quite worth the eat.
There is a lot more you can eat — the menu had a *lot* of variety, including some seasonal options (we went on the Saturday of Easter weekend, and they had items in accordance with the time of the year). If, by chance the Salty Dog is out when you come by, you’ll surely like what else is up for purchase; sweet, savory, combined, or separate, you’ll be good at Bridge Street Brew.