Beignets/Sweet Driver Café
I have previously written about Sweet Driver Chocolates. Recently, I was looking up some baked goods in the area, and once again came across Sweet Driver…in this case, their café. This was a different angle on the dessert possibilities from Sweet Driver, so I went by one morning to get one thing. I came home with three. Among the three: fresh-made beignets:

This was a recommendation from Rebecca Flynn, the proprietor of Sweet Driver who was also taking the orders at the counter. As I was picking out what to take — a triple chocolate cookie and a chocolate croissant, both of which were delightfully consumed later on at home — she suggested beignets with a chocolate ganache. They just needed to make them, so these would be completely fresh. Well, yes!
These are big beignets; three in a box, and about three inches in length. The smell is what you would expect from a bakery; it wafts home with you in the car. The taste is light with a good dough flavor, and perfectly-applied confectioner’s sugar on the top. Since this was a to-go order, the chocolate ganache was in a small plastic tub. Once it’s spread on top, it melts enough to cover the roof of the beignet, and the ganache adds the expected cocoa compliment to the baked good.

Sweet Driver Café cycles through assorted options inside; on their Facebook page, they post what is being made, so if you follow closely, you should have an idea of what you can get on a given day. The given goods are all good (and there are many other dessert-y foods to get, plus beverages, and, of course, the chocolates). And, who knows, you may get a sweet suggestion that changes your planned course of the last course of your meal.