Sometimes getting kids to do chores is like pulling teeth. I get it. Being a parent is exhausting though and it's not asking for a lot for some help around the house. Especially since we've kept them alive this long right? Cool. Now that we're on the same page I have a list of age appropriate chores to get your kids started.
Ages 2-5
They may be young, but they are definitely capable of helping with small things like...
- putting dirty clothes in the hamper
- Putting toys in toy box
- Water plants with supervision
- Feed pets with supervision
- Throwing away garbage

Ages 6-9
This age is where you can start a chore chart and add some more difficult tasks like...
- Loading/Unloading Dishwasher
- Folding towels
- Putting away laundry
- Put away groceries
- Vacuum/Sweep

Ages 10+
I like to call this the age of being able to use your children for child labor. I'm kidding obviously! But seriously, they can really start to be more independent and start building a foundation for when they leave home.
- Deep Clean Bathroom
- Clean Kitchen
- Mow lawn
- Take garbage to the curb
- Mop floors
- Cook a meal
- Wash/Clean Car
We do so much for our kids. Don't feel guilty for asking them to help out once in a while.
<3 Bri