If you work in the beauty industry, you probably FEEL the shift in consumer spending, the "holiday rush" has changed. If you are a client, you might have decided to push off your appointment due to finances. This week I am sharing some ways to save money at your hair appointment.
First, I want to point out that as a hair stylist our income comes STRAIGHT from our clients. We work on commission. Sooo, kind of crazy I'm telling you how NOT to pay us more money right? Well, actually I'm simplifying things for both parties here, so if you're a hairstylist, don't worry. I'm not teaching your clients how to get more for less. I'm going to be explaining how to set realistic expectations, book correctly and understand what they are paying for during their hair appointments.
Second, let's talk about mindset. I have had a few blog posts discussing our societies beauty standards for women and how they are bad for our mental health and our financial stability. Our generation has this "main character" and "treat yo' self" energy standard for our lives, which is fun and CAN be fine, if you have the means to do it. But truly, if you are currently earning a lower to middle class income purchasing $1500 hair services, $700 fillers, $300 Botox, investing in high grade skincare, bi weekly lash extensions and randomly spending $500 on a Tuesday at Target.. You are a DELULU QUEEN.
(Even though social media is PUSHING lavish spending habits on you with influencer hauls on the daily, it is not a realistic way to live)
Third, let's talk about saving money!
Setting realistic expectations: More is More.
I know, seems like a simple concept but the amount of people that think add on's are free is still large enough for me to type out this sentence. More product, more foils, more color or more time all cost more. I like to say, "The MORE CHANGE that happens during your appointment the MORE IT COSTS".
Stylists have base prices that are on their menu, but each client has a unique starting point. So, your cost for going platinum blonde might be MORE expensive than your best friends if your two starting points are drastically different. How to save money? Book less. Not every hair appointment needs to be a makeover. Â Now, coming from me, a stylist specializing in transformative hair appointments, that's saying something! I truly wouldn't recommend high maintenance hair appointments to anyone on a tight budget.
Booking correctly
As a client, it's your job to gather the info you need before booking with a service provider. Look at their website and their business social platforms to see their work. See if their schedule works with your schedule. Read through their policies and look at their pricing. Â You should know if a stylists pricing is in your budget before you even get to the salon. Ask yourself, does the hair they post on their social platforms look like the hair inspo you are bringing them?
A lot of stylists will require a new client to fill out a consultation form or an in-person consultation. If you're not sure about booking a huge appointment with a new stylist, request to book a haircut so you can get a feel for the salon and your service provider.
You waste your time and money when you book your services incorrectly.
Book a color that can grow out seamlessly.
We have seen a rise in "lived in" or "low maintenance" color requests and with the economy as it is, we aren't seeing this trend go away any time soon.
What does this mean when choosing a hair color?
- Keep your root color close to your natural. Only 1-2 shades different.
- Choose a variation of an Ombre (dark to light gradient) because our hair naturally does this over time.
- Add dimension with foils (darker or lighter) instead of a solid.
- Choose a demi permanent over a permanent color.
- Embrace your natural tones! Stop permanently covering everything up.
Here are a couple examples of low maintenance colors vs. high maintenance colors. Which side are you more drawn to?

Saving Your Dollars
 Each stylist has a different price point and service menu BUT here are a few things you can do to save or shift your spending:
- Ask if there's a difference between a dry cut or wet cut. If you have long straight hair and just want a trim off of the bottom, SOME stylist will charge less for this. You don't get a shampoo or style so it is less time in the chair. Time=money. Don't come to that appointment with greasy messy hair. You will automatically be washed and charged.
- Ask if you can purchase their deep conditioning treatment for at home use! Yes, a nice head massage with a high intensity treatment feels great but BUYING the bottle from them and skipping the SERVICE will save you money while still getting the treatment that your hair needs.
- Ask about your hair color maintenance appointments. Most colors can be refreshed with a toner or a ¼ foil.  YOU DO NOT NEED A FULL FOIL EVERYTIME. As a stylist, I will do a full foil every time if YOU want, but it's so unnecessary. Let your hair GROW OUT. Have roots. Just do the money piece or front. Not every hair appointment needs to be a makeover UNLESS you want to spend your time and money that way, but that's not what this blog post is about!
- Stylists usually have suggested maintenance appt time like "cut every 6 weeks, toner every 6 weeks, foil 6-8 weeks". These are just suggestions. You don't have to be on a regular schedule if your budget doesn't allow it.
- You are paying for product + time when you see your stylist. So booking smaller appointments might be more budget friendly for you!
What does this mean for hair stylists?
If a client's appointment frequency goes down, you will need more clients. If that scares you, change your mind set! This will give you room in your schedule to do appointments you're passionate about. I also recommend getting hair models to create social media and marketing posts. Yes, you will have to do more marketing and networking but you should be doing that now anyway! This is one reason I never have agreed with "not taking new clients". ALWAYS take new clients. Your businesses should consistently be growing and getting new client requests or you're not doing enough marketing.
I hope this post gave you a few tips on how to book smarter for your hair appointments while saving a few extra bucks <3