Christmas day is next week. Isn't that crazy?! Does your family have any cool traditions? If not, don't fret. I have some awesome ideas that you can incorporate into your holiday festivities not only for this year, but for many years to come.
Christmas Cookies
Do your kids still believe in Santa? Why not make Christmas cookies the night before for the jolly fellow? Even as they get older you can keep the tradition of baking cookies on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Breakfast
When I was a kid our family always had a big Christmas breakfast. We would load up on cinnamon rolls and spend some time enjoying each others company before we started opening our gifts.
Wrapping Paper Fight
Per tradition every year we stock up on the wrapping paper from the presents we opened and use it as ammo for the annual wrapping paper fight. I don't know how this started. I just know it's been a thing ever since.

Christmas Lights
The weekend of Christmas we always head down to Irvine Park with hot cocoa in hand to stroll through the Christmas Village. We prefer to walk through instead of drive through so we can really soak it in.

These are the moment that your kids will remember into adulthood. I always love to make this time of year special for my kiddo. It's not about the presents. It's the memories that they will hold onto throughout the years.
Happy Holidays!!!
<3 Bri