It's February! The month of love. Every year for Valentines Day I always ask Trent if he'll be my Valentine. Valentine's Day isn't only for couples. It's a day to show everyone in your life how much you love them. Here's some simple ways to show you appreciate your kids this Valentine's Day.
Paint By Number
I used to think paint by number kits were so childish until I found some pretty amazing ones on Amazon. What better way to spend an evening than making some art and bonding with your kiddos.

Take Them to Dinner
Take your kids out to a special evening and get some dinner. Dress up. Get ready and celebrate with some of the people you love the most.
Give them a gift. It doesn't have to be extravagant. Gather some of their favorite candy and maybe a new plushy. They deserve to feel loved this day too!

Make this year special for them and let them know you care. Happy Valentine's Day!
<3 Bri