Getting Kids a Cellphone

It always seems like kids are getting cell phones younger and younger these days. They've become almost a necessity these days. So when is the appropriate time to get your kids a cellphone? Well, I think there's a lot of factors to consider.


As your kids get older they might start joining extracurricular activities. Having a cellphone would be convenient to let you know when they need to be picked up or if they travel for sports.

Split Custody

If they go between parents houses it might be nice for them to have a way to reach you and a way for you to check in.




Experts say 13 years old is the appropriate time to get your kids a cellphone but I honestly think it depends on their maturity. Cellphones open doors to so many things like social media. Are they at the age that they are responsible enough to handle that?

Kids Cellphones

There's so many ways to monitor your kids phones these days. Bark cellphones are a great way. They monitor text messages. You can approve every contact they are allowed to text and call. They have location tracking and theres no way to download social media apps or use a web browser. It's a safer alternative for your kids.

All in all, it's all up to you as a parent what you decide is appropriate for your kids. Weigh out the pros and cons and make a decision you feel good about.


<3 Bri

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