Peanut Butter Cookie/Breezy Hill Bakery

This is going to be a short entry in the “Dessert Valley, Wisconsin” oeuvre. I found out about Breezy Hill Bakery from my wife; she had been out with her best friend at The Shed in Altoona. For sale were peanut butter cookies from Breezy Hill Bakery near Augusta; she knows my love of peanut butter, so she got a bag. For one, I was quite pleased to have a bag filled with peanut butter cookies; for two, the label showed a new place I had never previously known. Now I do:

This is your classic peanut butter cookie. A good taste of peanut butter, sugar on the top for contrast, and nice texture with the crevasses spread across the top. You will enjoy it.

If you’d like to try them directly, you won’t find a website — rather, go to S13100 County Road G south of Augusta. A sign outside says Breezy Hill Bakery is open Fridays and Saturdays, right on a farm. You might also find their goods at places like The Shed. Either way, some classic desserts await, made in rural Eau Claire county.

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