Budgeting Tips for Parents

We are living in stressful times. Let's be real. The economy is awful. We are all struggling to get by. Trying to take care of a family exacerbate the stress. Let's talk budgeting tips to relieve some of the stress.

Focus on Food Costs

Planning meals is an effective way to budget. Adding some structure to your family's eating habits can help you prepare for the cost of groceries. I personally shop for groceries once a week and meal plan every meal so we aren't "hunger shopping" and spending more at the store than needed.

Try Secondhand Shopping

Buying new clothes for kids is like throwing money down the drain. They are little gremlins that will destroy clothes and grow out of everything so fast anyway. Thrifting for clothing has cut down on so many unnecessary costs. Plus, it's trending right now!

Frugal Fun

Entertainment doesn't have to be extravagant or expensive to be memorable. Kids just want to be kids. Plan camping trips or low cost trips to save on cash. I promise the kids will have just as much fun.

Plan ahead For Holidays

Prep for holidays by creating a savings specifically for holidays. If you have an idea of how much you want to spend on each child for holidays it makes it easier to start saving earlier. Plus, then you don't have racked up credit card bills.

Teach Your Kids Healthy Spending Habits

Teach your kids the value of money. You don't have to buy them something every time you go to the store. Have them start learning to save so they can buy themselves items they really want. It teaches the responsibility and allows them to prepare for adulthood.

Hope this helps!

<3 Bri

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