Enjoying Every Stage

When your kids are babies you always hear "I miss the baby stage." When they are toddlers people say "you just have to get through the terrible twos." When they are young kids people say "wait until they are teenagers." People just never seem to be happy with whatever stage their kids are in.

Here's the thing. Raising children is hard. They throw tantrums, they cry and they scream. They may say they hate you more than once along the way. When they are little you don't get a moment alone. When they are older you feel like you can't seem them to want to be around you at all.



But I want you to take a step back for a moment and breathe. Cherish every single moment. Soon they'll be five, then you'll blink and they'll be ten. Then one morning you'll wake up and they'll be driving a car and falling in love for the first time.

Enjoy them when they can't even talk. Enjoy the silly little conversations that make little to no sense. When they are teenagers enjoy watching them become who they are and seeing them become a whole person with an entire personality all their own.

Time flies and when it gets hard remind yourself that they won't be this age forever. The thing about kids is they keep growing. They don't just stop. And while you're at it give yourself a big pat on the back because you're doing a great job.


<3 Bri

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