Ditching Parenting Books
I recently read an article about how self help books can actually be harmful instead of helpful. Sometimes we turn to them when we need advice or want to help ourselves become better people. The truth is, a lot of them contain inaccurate information and may be based on unproven theories, and may not be suitable for everyone's needs or circumstances.
I've been recommended a ton of parenting books over the years. Especially when my son was struggling in some areas and I threw every single one of them in the trash. Metaphorically of course.

Everyone has different opinions on how to parent your children and you know what your best resources are? Your child and your gut. I have raised a 10 year old, almost 11 year old, and I'd like to saw he's turning out just fine. I trusted my instincts and listened to his individual needs. No one knows your child like you do. Really listen to them.
Are they struggling with school? That's between you, their teacher and your child. Not some random person on the internet that thinks they know everything about parenting because whatever they did worked for them. Kids are all so different. They grow and develop at different rates. They are tiny humans who have real feelings and personalities.
I challenge you to ditch the parenting books this year and listen to your gut. It's the most valuable thing you have.
<3 Bri