Career Goals and Parenting
When I started this blog I wanted to erase the guilt we feel as parents. We're told so many different things and sometimes it can be hard to navigate what is best for us and our family. One of the most recent things I read was, "the myth of having it all: Career goals and parenting." I personally was taken aback. Who says we can't have it all? Who says we can't have goals for ourselves and still be outstanding parents? Society? I reject that idea completely.
When I first had my son I was working a job I hated and decided that, well, I was a mom now so I just need to focus on that. I lost myself completely. In 2020 I decided enough was enough and that I was going to pursue my passions again. Maybe the pandemic was the kick in the a** that I needed.

Having a career you are passionate about doesn't make you a bad parent. Feeding your soul with things you love isn't being a bad parent. In fact, it's made me a better parent. I'm much happier and feel so much more fulfilled now. And that reflects in my every day life. It's reflects onto my son who sees how happy I am doing what I do. I hope that he carries everything he learned from me and does something he loves when he becomes and adult. I'm showing him what hard work and determination looks like.
So don't listen to the people saying that you can't have it all. Because you can. You don't have to trade your life away when you become a parent even though that's what society wants us to believe. Stay determined. Stay passionate. Stay ambitious, friends.
<3 Bri