5 Tips to Help Your Kids Sleep Better

Summer time can throw off your kids sleep schedule. They start pushing the boundaries for when bedtime is supposed to be. The suns up later. They don't have to go to school in the morning. The days all start to blend together. Here's my top 5 tips to getting your kids to sleep better this summer.

No Screens An Hour Before Bedtime

Turning off screens an hour before bed help promote less bedtime resistance. Watching TV to help your kids fall asleep creates restlessness and can cause nightmares. Try reading books before bed or taking a bath.



Stick To Strict Bedtimes

In the summer it's hard to keep a sleep schedule but it's important. Having a consistent sleep schedule makes sure they are getting adequate amounts of sleep every night and they'll be less likely to push boundaries.

Create a Bedtime Routine

Have a consistent routine before bed. It's a signal for them that it's time for sleep. Start with a shower or bath, brushing teeth, putting pajamas on and reading a book or two. Whatever bedtime routine you choose, keep it consistent.

Create A Bedtime Environment

Creating an environment that induces sleep is important. We keep TVs out of bedrooms. Maybe they want some soothing lighting and a favorite stuffed animal. Maybe they like to sleep to soothing music. Make sure it's an environment that signals sleep.

Cool The Room

Back before insulated homes the drop in temperature was a signal for our bodies to sleep. When you go to sleep in a cool environment your body temperature drops 2 to 3 degrees and your metabolism slows down inducing sleep.

Hope these tips help!

<3 Bri