Hairstyles For Kids

I've been a boy mom for 10 years and never had to worry about how to do his hair every morning until I got together with my current partner who has three girls. Now every morning I have to figure out how to make them look somewhat presentable before we send them off to school. Here are the most basic hairstyles anyone can do. Even single dads.


This is the most basic thing you could do but it always looks adorable. It will keep their hair out of their face is also very versatile. There's so many different variations. You can add braids or buns for a flair.


pig tails

Space Buns

I have become a master of space buns because I do them in my own hair all the time, plus they're absolutely adorable on basically anyone. They don't even have to be perfect because with this style messy is kind of cute.


space buns

Bubble Braids

I'm going to be real with you. I suck at french braiding hair. This is my favorite alternative. It's stylish and cute and it's so dang easy!


Tuesday Blues

Half Up

This is what I do when they girls want their hair down but it's in their face. There's so many different ways to do it. You can do a simpe half up pony. You can do a half up braid OR you can get really fun with it and add some half up space buns.


half up hair

Ballerina Bun

Last, but not least I present to you the ballerina bun. It's easy, it's quick and what little girl doesn't want to feel like a ballerina?

ballerina bun

Alright dads. Now your mission is to go to the store and stock up on mini elastic hair ties, regular sized hair ties, bobby pins and maybe some bows for flair. I promise you can do this. Trust me. If someone who's raised a boy for 10 years can figure it out you can too.

<3 Bri

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