Dessert Valley, Wisconsin
Cheesecake Cones/Festival Foods
I was recently walking through Festival Foods, and passing the bakery, I gazed at the sweets, as I do pretty much every time. There was one thing that looked a…
Being the proud Norwegian-heritage Wisconsin that I am (for the record, 50% Norwegian), it’s about time that I review that staple of western Wisconsin Norse sweetness: lefse! If you happen…
Sopapilla/Casa Margarita
On my tours of Mexican restaurants in the Eau Claire area, I have reviewed xangos and flan. Recently when ordering out from Casa Margarita on the account of my wife’s…
Milk Chocolate Dried Blueberries/Jacobson’s Market
Ever seen dried blueberries in a grocery store? Intriguing, but usually on the pricey side, so I tend to skip them. I was in Jacobson’s Market in the Putnam Heights…
Cookie Walks
Throw me in the category of people wondering “What is a cookie walk?” I would see the signs driving around Eau Claire, next to churches and schools, promoting their upcoming…
Dutch Apple Pie/Main Street Cafe
You know the tagline: Don’t forget to leave room for the pie! That is a rock-solid must for the Main Street Cafe in Bloomer. Now, to be fair, I somehow…
Apple Cider Donuts/Ferguson’s Orchards
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…apple cider donut time. For the second year in a row, “Dessert Valley Wisconsin” found such baked goods, this time south of Eau…
Rainbow Drops/Mother Nature’s Food
I see them every time I’m in Mother Nature’s Food, which is fairly frequently: those rainbow-colored candies in a clear bag. All these colors, and I know there’s chocolate inside…
Flan/Plaza Aztecca
I love how the Chippewa Valley-area Mexican restaurants oftentimes feature homemade desserts. The classic items include, of course, flan, so I gave that a go when my family was recently…